Friday 22 August 2008

Roseanne Barr slams 'vacuous' Brangelina

Comic actress Roseanne Barr has slammed Brad Pitt as "empty" and called Angelina Jolie the "evil spawn" of her father Jon Voight in the latest post on her online blog.

Barr, the alleged "Domestic Goddess" and old star of hit sitcom�Roseanne,�started her latest web log entry slamming player Voight for his conservative politics.

But she soon veered off and turned her attention to the renown couple known as Brangelina.

Barr said Pitt and Jolie made around US$40 trillion a class starring in "violent psychopathic movies" and gave away US$3 one thousand thousand to "starving children trying to look as if they give a dirt about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair part and crash the ground even more".

In the web log, which Barr posted on Friday, the 55-year-old actress also mocked Jolie�s adoption of children from countries in the developing earth, including girl Zahara from Ethiopia.

" ... do you know that the African daughter you hold in every picture had parents world Health Organization suffered and died because of the Republican party�s worldwide economic assault on Africa over the utmost few decades since Reagan?" Barr wrote.

A spokeswoman for Pitt could not immediately be reached for commentary on Barr�s blog post.

Jolie, the current star of violent action-thriller Wanted, and Pitt latterly celebrated the birth of twins.

They stimulate three naturally conceived children, and have adopted troika others.

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